
I am a white, cis-gendered female with a college degree, an able body, and a life to be abundantly grateful for. I am very aware of the privileges that I did nothing to earn, the injustices that exist in our society around the very same things, and I do not want to perpetuate any of these privileges more than they already are. I believe that we must be vigilant in eradicating social injustices daily - and one of the ways we can help facilitate that is by being responsible for our minds and connecting to our hearts. 

No matter what your story is, we all struggle. I grew up in a family that experienced significant financial troubles, addiction, mental illness, and plenty else that allowed me to develop awareness around the damage that can be done if you live life with the mindset of a victim - or if you don't do the work, or get the help you need. I believe that healing is a sacred process that if not properly honored, creates a ripple effect of more trauma than originally experienced. 

A crucial component of our well being is maintaining a sound mind. Our society demands an insane level of input from our brains and we must develop small, habitual practices that give our minds a chance to reset. There are several approaches to meditation. Over the course of your life, exposure to a various approaches to meditation and mindfulness allows you to find what works best for your current situation. I believe that truly feeling connected – to our purpose and to each other - comes from a place of deliberate intention.

I would like to think that everything I do in some way goes back to mindfulness, but that's so not true. It's a constant practice. I will share things that have worked for me, and resources that I have found helpful along the way. Please let me know what you think... because none of us have it all figured out :-) 
I believe that we hold within ourselves the power to heal and transform, and we can create a positive feedback loop by doing so within the context of others. 

Please follow my Facebook and Instagram to stay updated with opportunities to meditate together. Moderately guided sessions in person, or virtually via live streaming/recorded videos. I believe that connecting to our higher selves is essential to our survival.